(Picture taken from Google Images)
It was thirty years ago when the United States Olympic hockey team shocked the sporting world, or rather THE WORLD, by defeating the Soviet Union in the 1980 Winter Olympics. Al Micheals made the play by play calls for that game, and well everyone knows of that famous line he said as the last seconds ticked away- "Do you believe in Miracles?" That game was not for the gold medal, but instead the right to play for the gold medal which the US went on to win, but that game did so much more then just entertain. It would take hours to explain why that game was so important to the people in this country during that time. I believe that personally they should have classes offered just about that game and all the back stories. If Disney can make a full length movie about that event, then sure some sort of history class should be offered to fill in the blanks that Disney was unable to.
Given that that game was thirty years ago, the new United States hockey team accomplished another great feat. For the first time since 1960 our boys have beaten our nieghbors to the north- team Canada. Even with Sid "The Kid" Crosby, arguably the games best young talent, the red, white, and blue was too much. FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE 1960! So much has happened since that time, the invention of the Internet, the Berlin wall came down, America voted its first African American President into office, the Red Sox snapped the curse, and oooh yeah- that MIRACLE on ice. There really isn't as much of a back story, there is no evil empire to our north threatening to send nukes this way at any minute. There is no fear of the Canadians, or drills done in schools just in case they come charging. But for once we beat them in the game that made them famous. It felt pretty good to watch the despair on their faces as we beat them on their own ice. The game also put fans of the US to ease a little bit knowing that they beat one of the elite power houses of the game, and will not have to see them until the Gold Medal game if both teams make it. Canada and Russia are both thought of as the front runners to win gold. But now the toughest test between the Gold Medal game and Team USA will be the other former member of the USSR- the Czechoslovakians.