Ever since I discovered sports I have been fascinated by them. I can remember as a young kid, no older then 6 or 7, waking up earlier then my mother so I could put the t.v. on Sportscenter before my parents woke and put the news on. To me sports news was the only news, 3 minutes at the end of the local news was not enough for me. As I got older I would watch the same episode of Sportscenter hour after hour as it was replayed.
It was about this same time I began to play and compete in the sports like the athletes I idolized. I would day dream, even in the middle of games that I was the key guy for the Red Sox, Celtics, or Giants depending on what season it was. The money wasn't the lure for me, instead it was the simple fact that I would be able to do something I love to do for a living. Still to this day, the idea of being able to play a game and call it a job is something that attracts me. But that is starting to change.
I want to be a pro athlete for the same reason athletes today...I want to do whatever I please, and I want to do it whenever I want.
I want to have an affair on my supermodel wife with multiple woman like Tiger. As the worlds first billionaire athlete why not?
I want to be able to bring guns into an arena and pull it on my teammate over a card game...in the nation's capitol like Gilbert Arenas. Then have the franchise say they will keep me because I am one of the "league's best still."
I want to be a middle linebacker and use that brute force against a cop as he is trying to arrest me for DUI like Joey Porter. And I want to do it before I even play a single down for my new team.
Like Arenas I would like to take my gun with me to a night club-though instead of shooting any one else I will shoot my self in the leg, ending my career with the team I won the Super Bowl with like Plaxico Burress. At least with two years in jail his leg should be fine.
In short I want to be able to do all the things we are told we cannot, and on top of that I want to be able still get the attention and love for it. I still, more then ever, want to be a PRO ATHLETE! (But unlike O.J.- if I got away with killing someone, I would not try to rob someone else in a Las Vegas hotel)