So for my own personal amusement I was browsing my old blogs and noticed that it has been since April 29, that I last posted something. I could say that there has not been anything that grabbed me to write about, or I could say that because I am no longer in the class where this was an assignment- I no longer see that need in it. But the truth is that I am juts lazy, ask any one close to me. That was until this week...
The leaves are on the ground, and breaking people's back, which means one thing- Autumn is upon us once again. With it being fall that means the "Fall Classic". I am talking the World Series. With the exception of the Yankees this years play offs looked a little odd to the usual baseball fan. First of the Rangers won the American League Pennant, after have never won a single play off series in franchise history. The Reds, who haven't been good since Pete Rose made the play offs, they also had the most productive bats all year long. The Giants, WON THE WORLD SERIES, that hasn't been done since the team moved from New York in 1954. Maybe the Cubs should try re-locating.
My hat is off to the Giants, I had faith in them all along though- I made a bet with Natano (see "Tuesday's With Natano") that the Giants would win it all before they had even defeated the Phillies in the National League Divisional Series. What that bet is is for another day, but lets just say Josh Hamilton would not be able to join us.
For those that don't know the Josh Hamilton story, he is a drug addict. Now I am not here to bash him. I think it is great all the stuff he has over come to be back on top of the world. The former #1 overall pick in the '99 Draft who had it all right out of high school, but blew it all- literally up his nose. The stories of his abilities are endless, but I have to give him credit for what he has been able to do to be back where he belongs, and that is smacking the ball out of every park the MLB has to offer. I also read a story that I think deserves to be brought up- upon defeating the Evil Empire in the the ALDS, Hamilton's teammates skipped the normal celebration of wine and beer. Instead they opted to celebrate with ginger ale. That is a very classy thing from a classy team. It is a shame they had to meet the Giants in the series.
All and all it was a good post season, all I could have wished for was to see the Red Sox still playing through October, maybe next year. After all it is only 103 more days until pitchers and catchers have to report to spring training.